Sunday, March 15, 2009


Remember all the games we used to play as children?

Monopoly-- I always wanted to be the shoe
Risk--- One way to rule the world
Operation-- I always killed him!
Boggle-- A fun way to learn some spelling
Scrabble-- Another way
Checkers-- King me!
Chinese Checkers-- This was different
Chess-- Still don't know how to play
Yahtzee-- I still play this
Zilch-- This too
Twister-- Its hurts just thinking about it
Hide and Seek-- Turn off the lights!

Then there is the outside stuff:

Red Rover-- Send Sally right over
Tag-- Your it!
Hide and Seek-- Fun inside or out!
Hopscotch-- Give me some chalk and a rock!
Tetherball-- One of my favorites

We spent most of our time outside.
We built "forts" out in the desert, of course most of ours were dug, not actually built.
We used to bring home lizards and scorpions and tarantulas and all the icky stuff that was guarnateed to freak mom out. lol
We used to play a game in the yard. I can't remember much about it, just that I think it was a "stick" game.
We also used to play in the desert and surrounding mountains around Henderson all the time.

Wow, there was so much we used to do. We were always able to stay busy with something. If one of us couldn't think of something you can bet one of the others would!

Life was grand as a kid with no responsibilities......

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