Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ho Hum

I guess I have grown a little tired of the computer this week.
Or maybe its just that I have nothing to say.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patricks Day!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Remember all the games we used to play as children?

Monopoly-- I always wanted to be the shoe
Risk--- One way to rule the world
Operation-- I always killed him!
Boggle-- A fun way to learn some spelling
Scrabble-- Another way
Checkers-- King me!
Chinese Checkers-- This was different
Chess-- Still don't know how to play
Yahtzee-- I still play this
Zilch-- This too
Twister-- Its hurts just thinking about it
Hide and Seek-- Turn off the lights!

Then there is the outside stuff:

Red Rover-- Send Sally right over
Tag-- Your it!
Hide and Seek-- Fun inside or out!
Hopscotch-- Give me some chalk and a rock!
Tetherball-- One of my favorites

We spent most of our time outside.
We built "forts" out in the desert, of course most of ours were dug, not actually built.
We used to bring home lizards and scorpions and tarantulas and all the icky stuff that was guarnateed to freak mom out. lol
We used to play a game in the yard. I can't remember much about it, just that I think it was a "stick" game.
We also used to play in the desert and surrounding mountains around Henderson all the time.

Wow, there was so much we used to do. We were always able to stay busy with something. If one of us couldn't think of something you can bet one of the others would!

Life was grand as a kid with no responsibilities......

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Got the HumDrums

Another cloudy rainy one.
These days depress me terribly.
I haven't even been able to read.
And, my favorite blog is gone.......

Friday, March 13, 2009

Puppy Love Giveaway

I was reading Barbaras blog, Happily Forever After, and read about a contest being done by Texty Ladies.
This is a celebration of the upcoming new release of Jane E. Jones new romance, Puppy Love

Here are the contents of the gift bag:

Four DVD movies-
The Phantom of the Opera (Gerard Butler),
Music and Lyrics (Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore),
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (Ernie Lively), and
Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (Sandra Bullock).

An adorable furry stuffed animal
Sweet Treats-Chocolate, anyone?
A scented candle
Two bags of microwave popcorn-to munch while you watch the movies
A cute little striped notebook
A Pair of fuzzy socks
And maybe a couple other extras that I pick up along the way.
The contest ends March 23 at midnight EST time; I’ll announce a winner on Tuesday, March 24.
For rules on how to enter click HERE

This link will take you to Texty Ladies web site to read more about it.

Snow Again

We were under a winter storm watch yesterday.
They were right this time. We got about 3 inches from yesterday afternoon until this morning.
My daughter started her new job today. It is in Franklin, KY, that is 20 to 30 minutes south of us. And yes, it snowed there too. Actually, I believe it snowed as far south of us as Nashville, TN.
It's bad enough just starting a new job, so I decided to do my good deed of the day by helping her out.
She doesn't do well driving in winter conditions, due to a nasty bad accident she had in Michigan 16 years ago. But....the roads weren't icy this morning. That was a big plus.
So, I got up with her and while she was getting ready for work, I went out and scraped the jeep off and got it all warm and toasty for her.
The temperature is supposed to go up to 45 degrees today. So the snow will all be melted by this afternoon. That is definately something to look forward to.
At least its all sunny and bright now. I hate cloudy gray days almost as much as I hate the wind.
Well enough rambling, now to figure out what to do for dinner.......

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Blue Diablo

Hoorah! Yippee! and Hot Damn!

My book came today! ---Blue Diablo by Ann Aguirre--- (or should I say the ARC of my book came today?) Either way, YIPPEE!

(Trying to bounce around and jump up and down!)

I have been very patient and trying to not chew off my fingernails since Saturday!

I plan on starting to read this no later than Thursday afternoon. I would have posted a picture of the book, but honestly, I don't know if that would be allowed.

I need to start a list of "being read" books. I am still working on Ann Rices the Witching Hour and I am also reading Jennifer St. Giles--Touch a Dark Wolf....this one I need to get in the mail tomorrow, so I am being greedy and reading it first. Sorry.

Well, I have won two contests in the last month or so. I feel very special. Not for winning, but because I feel like I have pushed my way into an elite society of readers. They have allowed me in with my silly comments and questions and made me feel welcome. Now I just need to figure out how to get my blog out to more people.

Therefore I would like to thank each and everyone of you for putting up with me. Amy C over at Romance Book Wyrm and Barbara at Happily Forever After. The ladies at Desert Island Keepers, Ann Aguirre, azeteclady, Cindy Reads Romance and everyone else that I may have neglected to mention.

Thank you, each and every one of you. ((hugs)) :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Castles in Germany

Amy, these are the pictures I have that Sally sent me of the castles in Germany. Sorry they aren't close ups or of the inside.

I researched them a little so I will put a bit of information with each picture.

The only date for any of these is the print date on the back. It is Nov. '86.

Castle Ruin in Wilhelmsbad Castle Park, Hanau, Germany

This is just a castle on the Rhine River in Germany.

This is either Godesburg Castle or Schloss Stolzenfels

Heidelberg Castle--Heidelberg, Germany
This castle was built sometime before 1214 AD
It was destroyed in 1622, then rebuilt by Karl Ludwig
It was destroyed for the 2nd and final time in 1693.

Ronneberg Castle--Ronneberg, Germany

Wish I had more to show you.
I hope you remember some of them!

And so ends that little trip down memory lane!! :)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Woooo Hoooo!

Yesterday I entered a contest on Romance Book Wyrm. Amy C was holding a blog tour contest for Ann Aguirre promoting her new book Blue Diablo.

The excerpt from this book is on Ann Aguirre's web page and it interested me enough to go ahead and enter. I have never read one of Ms. Aguirre's books but that will change!

I won! Yippiee, I was one of five chosen to receive an ARC of Blue Diablo! I am so excited I would dance around the room except that action would have me in traction for a month.

So, instead I will wait patiently (if thats possible) to receive my copy, then I can just read it. Just think, I might have a whole new author to start reading.

At the risk of repeating myself.......I am so EXCITED!

Thank you again Amy C and Ann Aguirre for holding this contest.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

For What It's Worth..

Well, I sort of figured it out, but I don't like most of the colors blogger gives you to use. At least the things I want in plain sight are in plain site.
So much for being smart.