Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The White Stuff!

Well, we are getting it. I don't know when it started, but it's been snowing now for at least the last 2 hours.

I tried to ignore the fact that it was coming. LOL That didn't work.
It must have warmed up first because all the ice is out of the trees. And that's a good thing. We never had any ice on the road ways, but that doesnt hurt my feelings. Any of you living in cold weather knows what happens when it snows over ice!

Barbara in the City, I bet its beautiful when it snows there. I love the wide open country in Colorado when it snows. There is just something about the crisp clean quiet of snow......

Monday, January 26, 2009

Barbaras contest

I just entered a contest on Barbars blog, Happily Forever After.
It is a giveaway contest for
Embracing Midnight/Devyn Quinn--Giveaway!
Sweet, hope this works out right.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Was I ever wrong!

Well, there I was blathering on about all the rain and cloudy days we were having, moaning and groaning over nothing it seems. It all cleared up, and well, we knew it would right? It always does.

So, I get up this morning and you'll never guess what it did last night!
It Snowed!

Of all the silly things to happen in January! I guess what it all boils down to is, I hate winter.

It's cold and damp and keeps my old bones acting up in ways I never knew bones could act up in. It keeps me in the house, not that I have very many places to go anyway. But still.......

Ah, for the good old days of living in the desert. Hot days, cool nights. Put a sweater on at night and walk down the street to the bus stop or the next casino, whichever comes first.

Yeah, I think that will be my next goal. Just to get back home alive. I would like to enjoy a few of the pleasures that the Vegas valley have to offer before my time here is up.

And besides, I have a brother there I haven't seen in years that I miss terribly.........

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Rainy Cloudy Days

I hate them.

I used to like the rain, but it's different here in Kentucky.
I guess it's alot like it was in Ohio.
You can bet if it's going to be a rainy day, you also will have at least a week of overcast, gray, dreary days to go along with the one rainy day you get.

Then the wind decides to show up.
OMG.....I hate the wind.
It goes right through you, straight to the bone.
No holds barred, your gonna freeze.

I see no reason we have to have a week or two in a row with these cloudy, dreary rainy days.
If we just had one or two in a row, I think it would be easier to deal with them.

Don't you?